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Kinetix AI

Kinetix tech:Kinetix allows games to integrate an AI-powered user-generated emote feature. Boost your game's engagement as you allow your players to create custom emotes.

Kinetix Ai Features

• User-Generated Emote: Let your players create and play their own custom emotes directly in your game using our AI-powered User-Generated Emote feature.

• Video to emote: Turn your players into creators as they can generate custom emotes from a video and play them in your game. All it takes is a phone camera or any video for the Kinetix SDK to create and play an animation on any avatar.

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Kinetix AI

Kinetix tech:Kinetix allows games to integrate an AI-powered user-generated emote feature. Boost your game's engagement as you allow your players to create custom emotes.

Kinetix Ai Features

• User-Generated Emote: Let your players create and play their own custom emotes directly in your game using our AI-powered User-Generated Emote feature.

• Video to emote: Turn your players into creators as they can generate custom emotes from a video and play them in your game. All it takes is a phone camera or any video for the Kinetix SDK to create and play an animation on any avatar.

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