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Codium AI

Generating meaningful test code explanations, behaviour coverage, and merge feedback for busy developers With CodiumAI, you get non-trivial analysis (and trivial, too!) suggested right inside your IDE, so you can code smart, create more value, and stay confident when you push.Code, as you meant it.Write code that works. the way you meant it to. By analysing your code, docstring, and comments, and by interacting with you,TestGPT suggests tests as you code. All you have to do is accept and commit them.

Codium Ai Features

•  Meaningful Unit and Component Tests Generation

•  Code Behavior Analysis

•  AI Code Review & Suggestions

•  Bug Detection and Fixing

•  Code Auto-Documentation

•  PR-Agent open-source

• Community Support via Discord & GitHub

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Codium AI

Generating meaningful test code explanations, behaviour coverage, and merge feedback for busy developers With CodiumAI, you get non-trivial analysis (and trivial, too!) suggested right inside your IDE, so you can code smart, create more value, and stay confident when you push.Code, as you meant it.Write code that works. the way you meant it to. By analysing your code, docstring, and comments, and by interacting with you,TestGPT suggests tests as you code. All you have to do is accept and commit them.

Codium Ai Features

•  Meaningful Unit and Component Tests Generation

•  Code Behavior Analysis

•  AI Code Review & Suggestions

•  Bug Detection and Fixing

•  Code Auto-Documentation

•  PR-Agent open-source

• Community Support via Discord & GitHub

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